What's in GIGI?

GIGI is a storage system that houses digital images of historic materials from the Society's collections.

While thousands of books, newspapers, manuscripts, and graphic arts have been digitized, not everything in the AAS collection has a digital surrogate in GIGI. AAS provides links from the General Catalog to images in GIGI when surrogates exist. To locate material in the General Catalog with links, please use "GIGI" as a keyword in combination with other filters to narrow results by type of material or date.

Folder Structure within GIGI

Searching in GIGI is very limited as minimal metadata exists for each digital file. The folder names listed below are recognized during searches and you can use these terms to get results of similar material. The folder structure is as follows:

  • Almanacs
  • Annuals
  • Atlases
  • Auction Catalogs
  • Bindings
  • Dime Novels
  • Mather Library
  • Pamphlets
  • Trade Catalogs

Children's Literature

Graphic Arts
  • American Portrait Prints
  • Bound Volumes
  • Civil War Cartoons
  • Ephemera
    • Album Cards
    • Billheads
    • Book Plates
    • Broadsides
    • Calling Cards
    • Christmas Cards
    • Civil War envelopes
    • Copybook Covers
    • Currency
    • Election Ballots
    • Greeting Cards
    • Invitations
    • Membership Certificates
    • Menus
    • Philadelphia Centennial Collection
    • Postcards
    • Prang Salesman Vols
    • Ream Wrappers
    • Rewards of Merit
    • Ribbons
    • Sentiment Cards
    • Sheet Music
    • Ship Cards
    • Stock Certificates
    • Telegraph Forms
    • Tickets
    • Trade Cards
    • Valentines
    • Watch papers
  • Fine Art
    • DC Johnston Collection
    • Drawings & watercolors
    • Louis Maurer Collection
    • McLoughlin Collection
    • Oil Paintings
    • Portraits
    • Sculpture
  • Maps
  • Objects
    • Civil War Tokens
    • Games
    • Gold Profile Miniatures
    • Henshaw Rifle
    • Hong Bowl
    • Isaiah Thomas Press
    • Mather Family Highchair
    • Matrices
    • Myropticon
    • Powder Horn
    • Staffordshire Pottery
    • Stereoviewers
  • Photography
    • Albumen
    • Ambrotypes
    • Bound Albums
    • Carte de visite
    • Cyanotypes
    • Daguerreotypes
    • Farber Gravestones
    • Glass Plate Negatives
    • Stereographs
    • Tintypes
  • Prints
    • American Portrait Prints
    • Intaglio
    • Lithographs
    • Relief
  • Union Publishing Circulars
  • U.S. Views
  • AAS Archives
  • Account Books
  • Business Records
  • Civil War Collection
  • Cookbooks
  • Correspondence
  • Family Papers
  • Journals & Diaries
  • Legal Documents
  • Music Books
  • Orderly Books Collection
  • Paper Watermarks Collection
  • Penmanship Collection
  • Sermons Collection
  • Shay's Rebellion Collection
  • U.S. Revolution Collection

Newspapers & Periodicals


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